

Compjugador is a Spanish verbs conjugator. It is able to conjugate all the verbs in the official Spanish language (as in the Diccionario de la Real Academia). It contains close to 10,000 verbs.

Compjugador is distributed under the GNU Public Licence. Visit for a copy.

Please send any bug reports, wish lists, patches to me at

Source Forge resources

Compjugador is now hosted by SourceForge. SourceForge provides us developers with plenty of resources to make the development and the communication with users easier. SourceForge's page for Compjugador is located at where you can download the source and find forums for developers and users, submit bug reports, etc.

There are two versions of Compjugador currently.


Compjugador and text-compjugador are the complement to Web Compjugador. They provide the Spanish conjugations for most of the verbs in the official Spanish language.

It is in alpha stage, but it is stable. Read KNOWN_BUGS for a list of problems and not implemented features.

Known bugs and missing features

This is a list of known errors in the conjugations:

  1. Verbs not yet conjugated:
    preterir, salpresar
  2. Verbs with two conjugations, one of them regular, it only conjugates irregulars.
    aforar, de aforo; asolar, de poner al sol; atentar, cometer atentado; aterrar, aterrorizar; atestar, atestiguar; desarrendar, de rienda; enrocar, en ajedrez; follar, formar en hojas o practicar el coito.
  3. There is no special consideration for the imperfect and impersonal verbs. They are conjugated but there is no warning.
  4. In the case of verbs with 3 different variations for a given tense/person combination (e.g. yacer), it only presents the first 2.

RUNNING compjuga and Compjugador

Run the program (compjuga or gnomecompjugador) and type in a verb. It does not support any options yet and it outputs the conjugations to the standard output.

If you want to insert diacritics, use extended characters or the "digraph approach":

'a, 'e, 'i, 'o, 'u, "u, ~n

e.g. re'ir, instead of reír. compjuga supports only ISO8859-1

Emacs and Compjuga

Bruce Ravel has created an excellent (X)emacs module that interfaces Compjuga with emacs. You can download it from


Send any comments, bug reports, etc. to Daniel M. German (

Happy conjugating!

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